Lady GaGa re-create a lot of people were stunned by the appearance of 'outside biasa'nya. Once the dress is totally made of meat on the MTV VMA 2010, this time GaGa appear with horns on the cheek and 5 breasts!
Nyentriknya appearance is intended to shoot the magazine Harper's Bazaar, where GaGa appear quite 'sweet' with dozens of cakes, but still with his trademark style with a surprising fruit that is placed behind the breast of her dress resembles 5.
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In addition to his performance is great enough, the GAGA also states that no less startling confession about the horns on his cheek. "Well, first of all, (horn), this is not a prosthetic (artificial / implant). They are my bones. They were always there inside me, but I waited until the right time came to express the universe who I am. They only come out when I inspired. We all actually got this bone! They come from the light ourselves, "explained at length GAGA.
Although quite eccentric, but GAGA also admitted that he did not want to do plastic surgery. As reported by, GAGA has been never been and will not want to make changes in his body. Wih, what else is going out of style GaGa huh?